Claim investigation closed/stolen card #/no package HELP!


So Frustrated!

I ordered 2 pairs of Uggs from a site I have used before.  Upon check out, someone hacked the Ugg stores site, stole my payment made through paypal via my American Express card.

I get a Paypal verification that my payment had been accepted.

Next day, Ugg store sends me a email asking me to pay for my Uggs.

I email them back, I had already paid and please ship my Uggs.

Ugg store emails me back stating they did not recieve my payment, they had been hacked.

I file a claim stating I bought Uggs via the website I used, and that I did not buy anything from "MARK PAYPAL"!

"MarkPaypal" provided a bogus USPS tracking number, That DOES NOTE EVEN MATCH the address the Uggs were SUPOSED to be shipped to......MY ADDRESS in IDAHO.

"MARKPAYPAL" has a phoney invoice stating the shipping address IS my address in IDAHO, but the bogus tracking number sends them to MICHIGAN and a person named "KTRIPI" signed for them.......1 day AFTER my card was stolen.  This means, within less than 20 hours....I bought, paid for, shipped and recieved 2 pairs of Uggs FROM shipping......Are you kidding me??????????? 

Paypal just denied my claim due to insufficient evidence that I did not order these! 

I did not order them via MARKPAYPAL

MARKPAYPAL can not provide the invoice for the Uggs I ordered, becuase I did not order them from this fraud.

MARKPAYPAL provided a bogus tracking number that delivered them to a address totally different from the shipping address provided by ME during checkout from the Original Ugg store....clear across the United States.


I thought PayPal helped with these things.  I can NOT believe, with all of this evidence, they said I did not have evidence.  Look at the tracking number PAYPAL.....look where they went???? 

I have called my credit card company.....but I still have nothing....What do I do?

Thanks for your help in advance

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Credit card company should side with you. What's the problem?

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The problem is: A fraud jacked my credit card, made up a fake invoice that does not resemble my purchase what so ever, provided a USPS tracking number, that does not use MY shipping Addresss, provided on the frauds fake invoice, sent probably NOTHING to a address back in Michigan. PAYPAL closed the investigation due to lack of evidence.

Had Paypal looked at the fake invoice the fraud provided, seen that MY address listed on the frauds invoice IS NOT in Michigan, by simply tracking the fake tracking number provided by the fraud, this would be done and over with. Instead, I am out the $160 for 30 plus days and after going through all of this with Paypal, have now sent it all to my credit card company.  Paypal should be responsible for doing this, not my credit card company.  I have used Paypal for 7 years or better, but this will be my last time as there really is no protection.

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