Paypal button not working anymore


Since 2016 we use Paypal buttons on our website to sell software licenses. Since the june 20th 2023, the transaction can get through the full process and no one can buy our products anymore. We had dozen of transaction everyday, this hurt a lot. I'm looking at the SDK integration but it's so complex, I can't make it to work properly.

Does anyone know if he Paypal buttons issue are temporary or they are disable for a long term?




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I'm exactly in the same position with the exact same conclusion.
Every old product that was paypal-integrated with the button generator is still working but I can't find any way to integrate new products in a similar way.

The developer docs are only in english which I understand very hardly on top of the fact that is a developer documentation which is unreadable by the common man.

It is very hard to believe that the only way to have any random person be able to intergrate a "quick and easy" button is to pay a developer to create and manage a server.

Will there be in the near future another way to implement a quick an easy button just as before with the "button generator" that was deprecated and is now legacy ?

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