How long can i stay negative?


Hi everyone,


I wanted to buy a flight ticket for the summer because it's getting sold out and more expensive every day ..

My paypal account is linked to my bank account but i don't; have money right now on my bank account.


My question is, if i now buy the flight ticket for 200$ through paypal and then try to take money from my bank after and won't find anything so they will make my paypal balance -200$, how long can i stay on negative balance before getting problems or before they send a debit collector?


I'm getting paid 26/5 whch is in 25 days, but there are only 4 tickets left now, will paypal wait 25 days for me to pay back 200$?



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and BTW, i have been on negative balance many times but i always pay it back the same week or the week after, so would paypal think that i'm trusted and i would pay it back again since i always do ? cuz i will anyway

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