Receiving money without SSN or US bank account

As an international student, I initially created my PayPal account while residing in the United States. However, I am now facing challenges in accepting money due to my change in circumstances. Upon returning to Finland, my current country of residence, I realized that I am unable to accept the money in my US PayPal account as I do not possess a Social Security Number and lack a US bank. I no longer have access to a US bank account, having transitioned solely to a Finnish bank account. Is there a solution or alternative process available for me to accept and transfer the funds in my PayPal account to my Finnish bank account? Your prompt response and support in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
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How prompt we are is dependent on when someone decides to log on and give up their time to help you.


Paypal is country specific so if you move countries you have to close your old Paypal account and open a new Paypal account registered in the country where you now live. You would then need to add an address / phone number / bank accounts / cards from within that country.

You should really withdraw any funds / resolve issues / remove cards and bank accounts / cancel any subscriptions and close the old Paypal account before you move countries. If you don't then you may have problems doing so once you have moved and may need to contact customer services for help to resolve things.

You can however in most countries add a U.S bank account (not card) to your paypal account. This is because paypal is a U.S company and allows that option for U.S Paypal account holders working in other countries.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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